PRECARPATHIAN ECO-ENERGY CLUSTER (PEEC) was created to improve the efficiency of all types of energy use and reduce the negative impact on the environment in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast by improving cooperation between business, science and the public sector.

THE MISSION of the cluster is to promote energy efficiency and help renewable energy development, support occurrence of energy efficiency solutions and start-ups that will help to transform Prykarpattya into the “Green Innovation Area”.

And THE MAIN AIM is creating within the cluster mechanisms for the development of favorable environment for the socio-economic development and investments space for the implementation of “green energy” projects.  With this purpose, cluster supports projects that may have informational, educational or commercial character and can be jointly implemented by cluster members.

PEEC is not just an organization, it is a synergy of cluster members who work in the field of energy-efficient solutions, in order to turn ideas into active tools for the development of our city and region.

Join us!

Lyudmyla Shyyko,

Managing Director


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Lyudmyla Shyyko, manager and strategic director

Ph.D.-M.Sc., strategist and analyst, believer in partnership, equality and eco-consciousness

Maksym Karpash, head and operational director

Ph.D., energy innovation guru, manager and initiator of international renewable energy projects, new professions and advanced technologies

Serhiy Maksymyuk, project manager

a creative enthusiast with technical skills, an energy auditor and an expert in energy-efficient solutions

Artut Voronych, R&D manager

Ph.D., experienced scientist and expert in international research projects

Information about NGO “Precarpathian Eco-Energy Cluster”:

EDRPOU: 41540300

Date of registration: 23.08.2017

Date of assignment of non-profit status: 18.09.2017

Don’t hesitate to contact us in case You have questions or offers 🙂

Facebook [email protected] +380506077780