Our Hungarian partner – golden label ArchEnerg Innovative International Cluster of Building Trade and Renewable energy gives a great opportunity for those who are interested in wind energy and renewable energy sources!
The 24-month-long SCOBE project funded under the Erasmus Plus programme and started 1 September 2017, is a Systematizing Collaboration among Business and Educational institutions coordinated by the Spanish Vea Qualitas. Five more organisations participate in this programme: the French GMI AERO SAS, the Greek MAICH, the Maltese Acrosslimits Ltd., the British Accentuate (North East) Limited and the Hungarian ArchEnerg Cluster.
The main aim of the project is to create a state of the art blended learning course targeting people in the renewable energy industry. The target groups participating in the training are students in a special course who wish to find a job in the field of renewable energy and workers in the renewable energy sector who are open to acquire new skills. Students will be given practical training and adult learners will be taught the latest technologies. At least 60 students and 30 adults will be involved in this training. With the help of SCOBE Toolkit, nearly 3 million people will be able to work in the field of wind energy.
The training material is being made by Accentuate, GMI, Acrosslimits and MAICH. According to the draft of the curriculum, the students will gain knowledge about:
- the types and the construction of the rotor blades,
- damage analysation,
- the materials used just as material testing,
- different techniques and methodologies.
- Health and safety regulations
- waste disposal rules will also be instructed during these two courses on wind energy.
Interesting tests, games and videos will make the courses enjoyable.
The curriculum will soon be available on www.scobeproject.eu and later the free training course for the interested persons.