Energy Efficiency Solutions Festival within “Power Shift 2017” forum

The Precarpathian eco-energy cluster on October 8, 2017, held the Energy Efficiency Solutions Festival on the Market square near City Hall. The festival was held within the eco-forum Power Shift 2017 (October 6-8), which is already the 6th international forum that brings together activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations to share the knowledge and experience needed to address the climatechange issue.

From October 6 to 8, activists from Ukraine, Byelorussia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Indonesia, the United States, and other countries came to Ivano-Frankivsk, which are interested in:

● ecology, climate change and green energy;
● steady transport;
● urbanism and architecture;
● sociology and Environmental Education
● innovative solutions for sustainable development and community development.

The main purpose of the Energy Efficient Solutions Festival is to draw the attention of the urban residents to the problem of climate change and to show how energy efficient technologies available on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk work.

The general concept of the event consisted of 4 parts:

● Presentation of energy efficient solutions from members of Precarpathian Eco-Energy Cluster (ECO Energy Center, Energy of Sun, STEM, LBiotech, Volt, Research Laboratory of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, PASSIVEHOUSE Atelier and others).
● Interacting with city residents through an information quest from cluster members.
● Development of a questionnaire by members of the Energy Change Forum together with experts from the CEDOS Research Center and a survey of the inhabitants of the city. The forum 65+ people have been interacting with the local community through a questionnaire on “Awareness of the residents about the problem and climate change in Ivano-Frankivsk”, the survey results will be analyzed and reflected in the video work.
● Filming a video about the festival and flashmob with the distribution of a video that reveals the problems of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk caused by climate change and solutions to the problem in the webnetworks.
