Course “Energy efficiency of your house from A to Z”

With the support of the Urban Space 100 Grant Program, PEEC has implemented an informational and educational project “Energy Efficiency of Your House from A to Z” for residents of Ivano-Frankivsk.

Energy efficiency is often understood to mean energy savings and costs, although in reality it is about efficient energy use, or, more precisely, reducing energy losses due to poor quality equipment, imperfect transmission networks, and infrastructure in general. So, making a home energy-efficient involves the use of a number of measures to eliminate energy losses (thermal or electric). In a complex with additional alternative energy sources, such house is transformed into a cozy home with its microclimate and practically independent of external energy resources and tariffs for them.

The Internet has a lot of information on this topic, but it is unsystematized and unstructured, so finding the optimal solution takes a lot of time and, at least, basic knowledge not to get lost in this information sea. The project “Energy efficiency of your house from A to Z” is a course of complementary seminars conducted by representatives of member organizations of the Precarpathian eco-energy cluster – experts in this area, for residents of Ivano-Frankivsk. All seminars are collected into one video course and the main information is compiled in the step-by-step manual “Energy efficiency of your house from A to Z”.

Manual steb-by-step “Energy efficiency of your house from A to Z” (ukr)

Thanks to Urban Space 100, as well as to the member companies of the cluster: Eco Energy Center, Sahara, STEM, Energy of the Sun, UkrGasBank, Vitaliy Tsyh (assistant professor of the Department of Energy Management and Technical Diagnostics, IFTUOG) and Mykola Yatsynovych for the materials of the seminars, as well as the science town “New Energy ” and all who helped in the project implementation.

Video course: