
Presentation of the National Cluster Development Program in Ukraine until 2027

Presentation of the National Cluster Development Program in Ukraine until 2027

The working group of the Industry4Ukraine platform has completed the development of a national program of cluster development until 2027,  the document can be downloaded here. October 12, 2020 will be presentation of the document in order to discuss its main points. The program of the event: Status and key […]

PEEC at the Conference “Modern Aspects of Energy Audits in Buildings and Legal Regulation in the Field of Energy Efficiency in Ukraine”, Lutsk

PEEC at the Conference “Modern Aspects of Energy Audits in Buildings and Legal Regulation in the Field of Energy Efficiency in Ukraine”, Lutsk

24-25.10 our colleagues from the Volyn Energy Cluster “Innovation Energy”, with the support of the Volyn Regional State Administration, organized a conference-seminar “Modern aspects of energy audits in buildings and legal regulation in the field of energy efficiency in Ukraine” for the heads and representatives of OSBB and UTC (Communities) […]

Opening of the SCOBE platform and online course

Opening of the SCOBE platform and online course

Our partner – ArchEnerg Hungarian Cluster, together with the partners of the joint project SCOBE, announced the launch of the platform and the first training course. Participants in this Erasmus Plus program are: Vea Qualitas (Spain), Acrosslimits Ltd. (Malta), MAICH (Greece), GMI (France), Accent (North East) Limited (UK) and the […]

PEEC invites you to the OSBB Forum “Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector”

PEEC invites you to the OSBB Forum “Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector”

Condominiums and apartment building managers! 🏢🏣🏤 We invite you to the first OSBB Housing Forum in Ivano-Frankivsk, April 17, 2019. The forum aims to present knowledge, technologies, funding programs and successful projects to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, in particular multi-apartment buildings: 📉 OSBB Infographics 💸Financial Support Tools (Energy Efficiency […]

Work meetings of the joint Ukrainian-Hungarian project EaP Plus

Work meetings of the joint Ukrainian-Hungarian project EaP Plus

On 7-9.03.2019 and 11-13.03.2019 meetings of the PEEC and ArchEnerg cluster members were held within the framework of the joint Ukrainian-Hungarian project EaP Plus. For cluster members – small and medium-sized businesses, this is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the enterprises of Hungary, as well as the opportunity […]

International Cluster Conference under the EaP Plus Project

International Cluster Conference under the EaP Plus Project

From 14.02 to 16.02.2019, a delegation of the Hungarian cluster of ArchEnerg International Innovation Cluster of Building Trade and  Renewable Energy from Szeged (Hungary), Eastern ICT Cluster from Lublin (Poland) and the Volyn Cluster “Innovation Energy” have visited  International Conference of Partner Clusters organized by PEEC in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine). The […]

Business Breakfast of PEEC with Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv

Business Breakfast of PEEC with Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv

On November 30, 2018, during a business breakfast roundtable, PEEC participants spoke with the Mayor about energy efficiency and projects we can jointly do and which are necessary for the city. As a result, they outlined several areas in which the expertise and experience of the cluster participants will be […]

European Utility Week 2018 and EU-Korea Cluster Matchmaking Event, Vienna, Austria

European Utility Week 2018 and EU-Korea Cluster Matchmaking Event, Vienna, Austria

On November 6-8, 2018, the 5th Annual European Utility Week (EUW) – the largest event of the year for industry representatives in the smart specialization – took place in the cozy city of Vienna. Leading high-tech companies, individual country pavilions, start-ups and a series of parallel sessions featuring the latest […]

SCOBE Windpower Training Courses

SCOBE Windpower Training Courses

PEEC is pleased to announce the project results of our partner – ArchEnerg cluster, which together with SCOBE consortia work on Courses about Wind Energetics Technology! The SCOBE project is a Windpower Training Initiative coordinated by Vea Qualitas of Zaragosa, Spain working in partnership with Accentuate- North-East [UK], AcrossLimits Ltd […]

EU clusters conference of CLUSGRID project at 7th Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress in Lublin, Poland

EU clusters conference of CLUSGRID project at 7th Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress in Lublin, Poland

24-25.09 PEEC honorary delegation has presented its cluster activity at the 7th Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress in Lublin in the panel “Clusters for Eastern Partnership “. Together with clusters from France, Spain, Bulgaria and Poland – participants of the European project CLUSGRID, we discussed partnership and funding opportunities through joint […]